Friday, December 18, 2009

Technology Reflection

Week 5 Reflection
I envisioned this course being a course that I would learn the technology standards for the state, learn different ways to incorporate technology in classroom instruction, and actually use technology in various ways that could be applied in an educational setting. These outcomes were achieved; however the class provided a vast amount of knowledge in regards to internet safety, cyber ethics, legal issues and the assessment tools used to measure the districts progress in preparing our students to meet the goals of the Long Range Plan for Technology. The information attained on cyber ethics and copyright laws were extremely valuable to me as a teacher leader. This is information that definitely should be shared with staff members. Also, cyber ethics should be incorporated into the school day so that our students will know how to be safe as they work online. I thought that we would have had to complete more tasks in relation to the development of our own professional proficiency utilizing technology such as creating a wiki, online chat rooms etc.
Everything I learned is relevant to the work of a school in order to prepare for the 21st century learner. Therefore, we began by accessing the data, determining the needs and developing an action plan. Through this process we used muti-media to create a way to inform the audience and share our thoughts with our colleagues. Specifically, as a school leader I feel like the action plan was a vehicle that truly could be used at my school to cast the vision for technology and facilitate the process of not only engaging the 21st century student but teaching them the skills that will prove to be advantageous to any career that they pursue. This was the first time that I received information on the relevance of the STaR chart and the spiraling technology curriculum. Although most schools promote technology it is not specific or at least not presented based on the data and the standards set by the state. I was able to analyze the data for my specific school and realize that the greatest need that we have right now is educating our staff members in the use of technology so that they feel comfortable enough to utilize technology for classroom instruction. I also learned that we need to provide more hands- on experiences for our students so that they can be proficient in their technological skills. I learned how to create a blog, how to respond to a blog and most importantly various ways that blogs can be used to provide educational value for students.
Some ways that blogs can be used across content areas include providing conversation in regards to a topic of interest, gaining insight from students who may not feel comfortable responding in the traditional classroom setting, and providing creative ways for students to not be limited to the peers in their individual class. However, the challenge is finding ways to ensure the safety of all students participating. The question becomes how do you control the content of what is being said in the blog and ensure that students do not post information that is hurtful, offensive or lacks relevance to the proposed topic. Blogging can be a valuable tool as school stakeholders as well as it provides people the opportunity to access information pretty much from anywhere and anytime. I proposed in my action plan to use this concept as a vehicle to set up professional development for technology training for teachers. This would make it possible to provide flexible options geared towards the needs of the teacher. Technology is truly an area where people express different levels of expertise and would be more likely to participate if the information was based on a topic of interest.
An outcome that I think that I need to continue to learn is some of the technological terminology as well as proficiency in using all the technological resources that are available such as document cameras, smart boards, creating wiki’s etc. Since this was an online course there was no access to a lot of hands on experiences with technology which this class has inspired me to want to learn. I also need to practice working with blogs more. I was successful in creating my blog as the outlined steps were excellent, but I would like to be able to do it again without following the steps one by one.
Overall, this was an excellent class that peaked my interest for utilizing technology in the classroom as well as actually utilizing the action plan that I created to cast the vision for technology at my school. It’s really sad to be in a school that has the infrastructure to support what it entails to be target tech but is not utilizing the resources to reach the needs of the 21st century learner. It is imperative to not just provide the resources but to actually provide the training needed to facilitate the use of the resources. Lastly, and most importantly the most valuable thing that I learned as an aspiring administrator is to differentiate professional development for teachers the way that we do for our students. This style of professional development geared towards the needs and interest of the teachers followed up by continuous monitoring and evaluation is the step in living out the expectations for teaching the digital natives.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Objective: To become target tech in the area of educator preparation in order to enhance teaching and learning so that our students will be prepared in the digital society that we live in as well as meet the expectations of the technology standards outlined by the state.

Professional Development Planning
Objective: To provide educator preparation designed to meet the needs of all teachers in order to enhance student centered use of technology.
Based on the STaR chart data and the long range plan for technology outlined by the state/district it would be beneficial to provide monthly technology training based on the individual needs of teachers. I would suggest that this be facilatated by surveying the teachers needs and breaking them up into groups based on their needs and level of expertise. Our campus should focus on utlizing the current available technology to create student centered use of technology as well as developing their research skills and production of multi-media products. Some groups may need training on basic skills of using the technology, while others might need suggestions for incorporating the tools to effectively use technology to differentiate instruction. Therefore, every month the faculty would be given options for technology training. One option would be a more hands on training set up in the computer lab and the others would be set up through a blog that could be a book study or possibly by content area where ideas are shared for incorporating technology in lessons, or management of student groups. Then the information gathered in each cohort could be made available for teachers who participated in other trainings. Some examples of training that could be offered are listed below.
The basics of creating a power-point presentation.
The basics of using a smart board for student centered instruction.
The basics of creating a blog.
Ways to manage student groups when using technology.
Utilzing webquests in the classrooms.
Technological ways to teach Science, Math etc.
Book study on the 21st century Learner.

Evaluation of the action plan
1. The faculty will evaluate each monthly session using a survey. One component will include ideas for the next month’s training. The survey will provide the staff the opportunity to discuss effectiveness as well as implementation in the classroom.
2. A technology committee will be formed and they will meet monthly. They will review the monthly surveys from the faculty and evaluate the progress that has been made and make recommendations for the next month’s meeting. They will also present their data to the site based decision making committee.
3. The site based decision committee will use the reports from the technology committee as well as the campus STaR chart data to determine the needs of the campus on an annual basis.
4. The Long Range plan for technology will be re-visited annually to assess its alignment with the campus progress and determine additional needs.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Educator Preparation and Development

Educator preparation and development can be defined as the degree to which educators are acquiring training and resources to meet the technology standards in the classroom. This includes multi-media use, the internet, completion of administrative tasks, use of online- resources for lesson design, and allocation of funds for technology so that students are also utilizing technology to meet the goals of the long range plan for technology.

There has been progress in this area locally, state wide and nationally. According to the state data more campuses are in the developing category than any other category. . This indicates that overall most places have identified training as an essential component to meeting the needs of 21st century learners and equipping them to function in a technology driven world. On my campus this is the area that has shown the most growth over a years time. If the staff are not trained and equipped to use technology they are less likely to use it as a driving force for instruction. It is imperative that the staff are trained continuously, aware of the standards and work collaboratively to create lessons for students.

Currently the trend is for teachers to use technology for tasks such as communication with stakeholders,
online resources for lesson design , video clips from websites such as unitedstreaming, brain pop etc. Many teachers are utilizing technology for creating power-points, for students as well. They also use smartboards, and Elmo's for delivering instruction for students.

The area that needs imporvement is preparing educator's to utilize techonolgy for learner centered instruction. Some of the obstacles include limited access to computers and other resources. Although, the resources are limited in many schools we are going to have to find a way to mangage our classrooms so that students are using the technology so that they are interacting with the resources and learning how to compete in a digital world. Ehancing the student's use of technology will also increase the engagement levels in the classroom and provide opportunties to provide real life expereinces of problem and project based learning. This will build critical thinking and higher order thinking skills that are imperative to becoming a productive citizen.

Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020.(2007, November). Retrieved November 22, 2009, from TEA website:

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Long- Range Plan For Technology

The entire long- range plan for education is new to me. As an instructional leader it is imperative that we expose staff members to the plan, analyze our progress of the plan, develop learning goals for our school, and evaluate how we will monitor the progress each year. It has been expressed the need to utilize technology in order to engage our students. Our schools have been provided with Elmo's, LCD projectors, and some smart boards. However, we should have ongoing training of incorporating these tools into lessons. Technology is currently be used more for efficient and convenient communication between stakeholders and not as much as it could be to drive instruction so that students can compete in an increasingly digital and technological world. Technology not only will teach our students to be more competitive but also may enhance student achievement by appealing to the 21st century learner.

Pre- K TEKS for Technology

The TEKS for Pre- K students lays the foundation for student performance because it requires that students be able to identify the basic parts and functions of a computer and also begins to expose them to the ways that technology can be used to enhance instruction. The students are using age appropriate software programs to build vocabulary and mathematical skills. They are being exposed to Cd's, tape recorders, and learning to interact with a computer as well as being introduced to computer terminology. These concepts are the basic foundation for technology.

The 6- 8 TEKS represents a scaffolding curriculum because the the concepts are the same each year. The students should just be building on their knowledge each year and becoming more proficient in their skills. For example for one strand of communication the students are expected to be able to create document files such as slide shows, posters,multimedia presentation, newsletters, brochures and reports. Since this is the same TEK for 6th, 7th and 8th, the students should master their ability to communicate in these different formats by the end of 8th grade. This provides the students ample opportunities and years to master a concept. Another example lies in the area of foundations. The student should be proficient in keyboarding technique, posture while building speed. This foundation begins in the Pre- K curriculum and continues to build from year to year.

A scaffolding curriculum is extremely helpful in students not only acquiring information but retaining information. It requires you to continue to practice skills so that they are mastered and can be utilized in the future. Learning to use a computer is similar to learning to play an instrument. When you learn one element of music you continue to practice that skill while adding new skills.

Revised Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines. (2008, May). Retrieved November 22, 2009, from TEA website: Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020.(2007, November). Retrieved November 22, 2009, from TEA website:

Personal Technology Assessment Overview

The first assessment reveals weakness in the foundation of technology and strengths with communication and acquiring knowledge. In particular, I am extremely unfamiliar with technology terminology, and laws for technology. I know how to navigate my way through word processing programs and the basics for charts and graphs, and power-point presentations. However, I could use some training in the development of video clips and use of scanners, digital cameras etc.

The second assessment reveals strengths in using technology for communication, development of presentations, research, word processing and collecting data. The weaknesses as a leader include utilizing technology with students and goals for the schools. Technology is encouraged in the schools but not mandated or rewarded. There really is no ongoing training for teachers and requirements for students with the exceptions of typed word documents, and researching skills. Sometimes I provided options to complete projects utilizing multi-media presentations, videos etc. Students are rarely taught how to use technology to enhance their work.

The assessments were effective in determining the needs of our school. We should begin by becoming familiar with the standards and developing a plan to address these standards to drive instruction. We need ongoing training on ways to incorporate technology so that students are not just exposed to it but utilizing it for instruction.

Personally, I want to develop my skills in creating more engaging presentations utilizing video clips, sound and animated images. I also want to master the use of programs such as excel to input and analyze data that will make data analysis so much easier. Our world is such a date- driven society so being able to effectively manipulate data is imperative to making decisions that will affect student achievement.