Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pre- K TEKS for Technology

The TEKS for Pre- K students lays the foundation for student performance because it requires that students be able to identify the basic parts and functions of a computer and also begins to expose them to the ways that technology can be used to enhance instruction. The students are using age appropriate software programs to build vocabulary and mathematical skills. They are being exposed to Cd's, tape recorders, and learning to interact with a computer as well as being introduced to computer terminology. These concepts are the basic foundation for technology.

The 6- 8 TEKS represents a scaffolding curriculum because the the concepts are the same each year. The students should just be building on their knowledge each year and becoming more proficient in their skills. For example for one strand of communication the students are expected to be able to create document files such as slide shows, posters,multimedia presentation, newsletters, brochures and reports. Since this is the same TEK for 6th, 7th and 8th, the students should master their ability to communicate in these different formats by the end of 8th grade. This provides the students ample opportunities and years to master a concept. Another example lies in the area of foundations. The student should be proficient in keyboarding technique, posture while building speed. This foundation begins in the Pre- K curriculum and continues to build from year to year.

A scaffolding curriculum is extremely helpful in students not only acquiring information but retaining information. It requires you to continue to practice skills so that they are mastered and can be utilized in the future. Learning to use a computer is similar to learning to play an instrument. When you learn one element of music you continue to practice that skill while adding new skills.

Revised Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines. (2008, May). Retrieved November 22, 2009, from TEA website: Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020.(2007, November). Retrieved November 22, 2009, from TEA website:

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