Sunday, November 22, 2009

Personal Technology Assessment Overview

The first assessment reveals weakness in the foundation of technology and strengths with communication and acquiring knowledge. In particular, I am extremely unfamiliar with technology terminology, and laws for technology. I know how to navigate my way through word processing programs and the basics for charts and graphs, and power-point presentations. However, I could use some training in the development of video clips and use of scanners, digital cameras etc.

The second assessment reveals strengths in using technology for communication, development of presentations, research, word processing and collecting data. The weaknesses as a leader include utilizing technology with students and goals for the schools. Technology is encouraged in the schools but not mandated or rewarded. There really is no ongoing training for teachers and requirements for students with the exceptions of typed word documents, and researching skills. Sometimes I provided options to complete projects utilizing multi-media presentations, videos etc. Students are rarely taught how to use technology to enhance their work.

The assessments were effective in determining the needs of our school. We should begin by becoming familiar with the standards and developing a plan to address these standards to drive instruction. We need ongoing training on ways to incorporate technology so that students are not just exposed to it but utilizing it for instruction.

Personally, I want to develop my skills in creating more engaging presentations utilizing video clips, sound and animated images. I also want to master the use of programs such as excel to input and analyze data that will make data analysis so much easier. Our world is such a date- driven society so being able to effectively manipulate data is imperative to making decisions that will affect student achievement.

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