Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Objective: To become target tech in the area of educator preparation in order to enhance teaching and learning so that our students will be prepared in the digital society that we live in as well as meet the expectations of the technology standards outlined by the state.

Professional Development Planning
Objective: To provide educator preparation designed to meet the needs of all teachers in order to enhance student centered use of technology.
Based on the STaR chart data and the long range plan for technology outlined by the state/district it would be beneficial to provide monthly technology training based on the individual needs of teachers. I would suggest that this be facilatated by surveying the teachers needs and breaking them up into groups based on their needs and level of expertise. Our campus should focus on utlizing the current available technology to create student centered use of technology as well as developing their research skills and production of multi-media products. Some groups may need training on basic skills of using the technology, while others might need suggestions for incorporating the tools to effectively use technology to differentiate instruction. Therefore, every month the faculty would be given options for technology training. One option would be a more hands on training set up in the computer lab and the others would be set up through a blog that could be a book study or possibly by content area where ideas are shared for incorporating technology in lessons, or management of student groups. Then the information gathered in each cohort could be made available for teachers who participated in other trainings. Some examples of training that could be offered are listed below.
The basics of creating a power-point presentation.
The basics of using a smart board for student centered instruction.
The basics of creating a blog.
Ways to manage student groups when using technology.
Utilzing webquests in the classrooms.
Technological ways to teach Science, Math etc.
Book study on the 21st century Learner.

Evaluation of the action plan
1. The faculty will evaluate each monthly session using a survey. One component will include ideas for the next month’s training. The survey will provide the staff the opportunity to discuss effectiveness as well as implementation in the classroom.
2. A technology committee will be formed and they will meet monthly. They will review the monthly surveys from the faculty and evaluate the progress that has been made and make recommendations for the next month’s meeting. They will also present their data to the site based decision making committee.
3. The site based decision committee will use the reports from the technology committee as well as the campus STaR chart data to determine the needs of the campus on an annual basis.
4. The Long Range plan for technology will be re-visited annually to assess its alignment with the campus progress and determine additional needs.

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